Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Here's a story {pictures included} of a girls eventful morning which began with waking up... Hannah had slept many hours, was very well rested, and dreamt of sweet nothings.

Upon waking up, her empty tum tum filled her thoughts with food, GLORIOUS food!

{Okay~okay fine, so maybe it went more like this:}
Hannah had hardly slept a wink, and couldn't really make sense of her dreams at all, when she awoke at an early hour to a grumbly stomach and decided that breakfast was a good idea.

So Hannah grabbed her kitchen instruments which resulted in a symphony of awesome on her tastebuds

As she patiently waited to flip~flop her flap~jacks, she pondered the meaning of life and did the no~pants~happy~dance

Besides the fact that she had accidentally flipped her pancake off the griddle and onto the white part under the stove, which then dripped onto the floor and resulted in her stepping in gooey pancake batter and dragging it all over the kitchen ...She was practically a Martha Stewart prodigy! 

It was freaking delicious and an awesssommmmeeee way to start the day! 
Until she saw the sink...

Moral of the story? Eat breakfast no matter how early or late you wake up, or no matter how messy the kitchen gets... Because: 
"If you skip a meal, you over indulge in the next" 
and because people are just grumpy without it.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

I like to call this "Forever Alone"

Like I mentioned in my previous post, I have nothing to do in August.
So I decided to channel my nothingness into genuine pieces of art.
My mom encouraged my creativity ...But then laughed at the final project.
Without further adieu, my masterpieces:

{what all couples are thinking as they see me pass by on the street}

{my imagination}

{actual scenario i've been in}

{actual scenario i've been in}

{potential future scenario}

This is where Olivia comes in... We both only have each other and our dogs... She drew the following:

{she drew me in this one...}

Today, I would have thought I got it all out of my system and would have found some friends... BUT... these happened:

{incase you didn't catch on, i'm the one in the middle....on the penny farthing bicycle}

So there you have it. I've chosen to go public with my work. ;)

P.S. Just saw this on Pinterest... I found it worthy for here:

Friday, August 17, 2012

Good Things to Come

Whenever August rolls around, everyone is so busy going on last vacations before school starts, are visiting family, are on a road trip to Disneyland, maybe even a cruise to the Bahamas, and there isn't any time to sit around and have lazy days. Well, for them.

My August generally looks like this:

...No, there's no picture loading or anything that's supposed to fill that gap. It's just supposed to stay empty.

So while I'm home, being literally too bored to even open the laptop cause I know there's nothing there for me, I sit around in my room...and wait for tomorrow. How many people can say that? Especially because my siblings have all gone back to school now....

Today, I sat around, was lazy, AM lazy, too hot to be outside (unless there was a body of water I could stay cool in--if there was one) when I FINALLY got the opportunity this afternoon to go hangout in the harbor with a friend who is leaving tomorrow and I won't see for another year, PLUS getting to do something I've never before done (paddle boarding) I got excited.

Shortly thereafter mom informed me that she had sailing and I had to stay home and watch my brother. Actually, he decided to go to a friends house so I really could have gone, only I don't have my license to take the car yet... Basically, I got to thinking about how if mom didn't get remarried then she wouldn't have to sail on Thursday's, and if dad hadn't died I would have already had my license and maybe even a cooler car. As I started thinking about the "what-life-could-have-been-like" I started to cry in my empty dark air conditioned house... But it wasn't even two minutes later when SOMEHOW I thought to go on the Internet to distract myself  and I ran into this video on my Facebook:

I don't know what it is with me being able to find things like this RIGHT as it happens, honestly my first thought was *okay cool, spiritual message sent from the big man upstairs to tell me to put my big girl panties on, but why did it have to come so fast, let me cry!* but as I watched the video, my tears were somehow dried. (let it be known that I wasn't crying over not being able to go to a friends house, but rather that I thought about what could have been, which lead me to dad, and basically had a snowball affect and had me sad about anything to the point where you can't hold it in anymore).

I could feel peace in my room after I watched that video, and I felt kind of guilty because I have so many good things, and I was just looking at what I didn't have. It was nice to have a reminder that there are good things to come, and God has things eternally worked out.

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