Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day

So I've been doing a little bit of research about customs for today, and I searched deeper into that aspect of women proposing to their men.

According to an old Irish legend, or possibly history, St Bridget struck a deal with St Patrick to allow women to propose to men – and not just the other way around – every 4 years. This is believed to have been introduced to balance the traditional roles of men and women in a similar way to how Leap Day balances the calendar.
In some places, Leap Day has been known as “Bachelors’ Day” for the same reason. A man was expected to pay a penalty, such as a gown or money, if he refused a marriage proposal from a woman on Leap Day. In many European countries, especially in the upper classes of society, tradition dictates that any man who refuses a woman's proposal on February 29 has to buy her 12 pairs of gloves. The intention is that the woman can wear the gloves to hide the embarrassment of not having an engagement ring. During the middle ages there were laws governing this tradition.
SO. Who will be the lucky guy Hannah gets to propose to? After all... I've been running low on gloves.(; Actually, by the time the next leap year rolls around, I would be a legal age to get married so... I could do it!
I decided, today is not like Day Light Savings, where, at the end of the year when you get an additional hour, you always, always, ALWAYS have to give it back in the Spring time when we fall back an hour... So really that's only a borrowed hour. But today... WE DON'T HAVE TO GIVE IT BACK EVER! So what equally special/fun thing could I do today that could be memorable!? Well. I'm not sure. But I think I'll save the marriage thing for later.
One thing that bugs me about today, is that Punxsutawney Phil (THE groundhog) RIPPED US OFF this year by saying we have "6 more weeks of Winter" when REALLY... we have 6 weeks + 1 leap day more of Winter. I think he could work on his honesty a bit and have REMINDED us that "Oh hey guys, it's a leap year this year so you'll get AN EXTRA DAY of winter" ...the thing about groundhogs is that they're smart but mean.
Happy Leap Day!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Shlaire and Me

This post is about some of Shlaire's (Claire) and my adventures.

It started out when she moved in. Our first sleepover was at another friends house, and we got SO tired that we all just crashed on said friend's bed. We woke up early in the morning, and I noted that this stranger (Claire) whom I had just met ...well, we had been cuddling like crazy people. Our legs were intertwined, and i'm pretty sure I was hugging her stomach like a teddybear while her arm was around my head. That, was the start of our beautiful never-gets-boring friendship.

We signed up for EFY together... Which meant we dormed together for 1 week. During that week we spied on boys, drank chocolate milk with EVERY meal, had the counselors next door tell us to be quiet EVERY night, I even woke up one morning and we both gave panicked looks as we realized we had no idea where we were and HOW Claire got in my bed.

Oh, awkward, did I just crop out the dude standing in between us?! Yes. Yes I did.

Now, we spend lonely weekends together looking at pictures of cats and we DIE laughing. Honestly, I would have never found humor in those stupid cats photos or youtube videos unless Shlaire was there. We drink multiple root beer floats without her moms permission... We attempt to be crafty from DIY projects on Pinterest... But those failed attempts always end with us in our man pants sitting on the floor trying to ponder the meaning of life.

Now that we know a little bit more about her and I.... Let's review this last week. No really, we will have spent 6 out of 7 days together this last week (by tomorrow).

this was my story corner/if someone tried to come through the window, my easton bat would protect me.

don't be fooled, I actually am wearing pants...

Awkward Photos:

So, this one was SUPPOSED to be good.... But I sneezed right as it took. ...I don't know what Claire's excuse was though

To wrap this up, this picture shows that NO MATTER HOW HARD WE TRY to look good when we first see each other...byt the time we say goodbye, this is about how we look.

So we finally got tuckered out and fell asleep in our 5th fort we made... 2 hours later we woke up to other fire alarm beeping once every minute indicating that the battery was low, and it was so shrill and so loud and ear piercing that we ran inside and fell asleep on my bed.

For breaky I made pancakes with bananas in the middle with chocolate chips on the perimeter with chocolate syrup drizzled on top. Also throughout the week, I've made and eaten yummy little things like German pancakes, caprese salad, chocolate pudding,  and a normal salad that had lots of little bugs in the lettuce that I had to wash for half an hour (yay organic produce bugs...) so that they'd all be gone. As nast as that sounds, it was a pretty fantastic salad.


Monday, February 20, 2012

How-To: Say "Sorry" Honestly and Effectively

Happy Monday.

I asked Chris to pick up some FLOUR while he was out... And he came back with FLOWERS instead ...oh man:

Oh yeah, and I'm free of this nasty cold full of tea, tissues, and bandanas. Woot woot!

Happy Monday. Happy break. (:

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Make of this post what you will

Dear Claire.
Just so you know. I can't stop giggling at the fact that YOUR MOM called me practically BEGGING for me to take you out of her hands/entertain you. I died laughing. (:
Love Hannah

Other side notes:

  • Ellen is hilarious:

  • I still want Nyquil.

  • Good news! The waterfall of snot pouring out my left nostril has finally ceased! Bad news... Now my right nostril is having the same troubles. 
  • My little brothers are hilarious. Especially when they sleepwalk and talk.
  • Ummm My dog looks like a mop.
  • Today's rain has been simply wonderful.
  • Tomorrow I'm kidnapping my friend.
  • I worked on sewing a dress for 2 1/2 hours today.
  • My big brother is so cool, he bought a ticket out of the country without consulting mom. I wish I was that cool.
  • And well... I... umm.... had the lovely opportunity of eating animal crackers today.

And.... that's it.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

"blue skies fade to grey"

Yesterday, was all together a bad day. I didn't even write in my journal yesterday cause I just didn't want to make yet another stress filled entry/I didn't want to remember yesterday.

So I was saying my prayers last night...
tossing and turning...
too tired to stay awake...
but listening to my brain that wouldn't shut up for me to be able to fall asleep...
Praying for me to actually get something out of seminary...
...I had nightmares about dreading seminary coming so soon. About staying longer than needed, and not being allowed to leave.

I woke up throughout the night feeling restless, so that by the time my alarm went off, I seriously considered for the first time to skip seminary. I turned off my alarm (rather than hitting the snooze) and fell asleep again instantly.

Why would I need to go to seminary anyway?!

  • To listen over my fellow seminary-goers voices TRYING to listen to our teacher who wouldn't be getting the respect he deserves?
  • To be distracted as my friends pulled out their homework, cell phones and writing notes back and forth?

I've been guilty of some of that stuff before... But I'm just getting tired of it all.

5 minutes after I fell asleep, I woke up with the thought that I wasn't doing the right thing.
I sleepily got out of bed, moseyed to the bathroom, did the essentials, pulled on sweats, considered bringing hot cocoa, decided against it, forgot to brush my crazy bed head, and walked out the door, as my mom assured me that I looked like "walking death" ...Then... I entered my seminary room.

To my surprise, I found COUCHES in my classroom. And a substitute teacher with a book in hand. I grabbed the softest couch thinking this was all too good to be true, as she spoke the best words I've ever heard at 6am in the church building "I'm going to read a story, now my one rule is that if you don't like my story you can doze off and sleep, but no talking until I'm done"

It was a good story about her mission. We were done 15 minutes early, cleaned up the room, and she had hot chocolate for us in the kitchen and we all just mingled for the remaining time.

Best seminary class ever.
But I realized, that everything I had asked/told Heavenly Father in my prayer last night; he just had it covered! (Like usual.) Things I had asked had been answered through words our sub had said.

SO! Pray. Pray hard. Listen. Be obedient. Trust. And rely on the Lord. And everything will be okay.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

That thing called "love"

Okay. I've said it before. I'm not a huge fan of Valentines day. 
...But today was pretty...hmm.... Okay. (:
Let's rewind to this past weekend.

On Saturday, during church basketball... My (right) foot thought it'd be a good idea to roll and make a loud cracky noise mid run... Later that night, this is how swollen it looked...No beuno:
Yeah, it felt like an Easter egg was under my skin.

On Sunday I went to Stake Conference... Which was 2 hours long. Then at 5pm I headed to Tacoma for a 2 hour long mass at my best friends church, prepared to support her as she received the Holy Spirit. It was cool seeing (again) how the Catholic church worships, and I'm glad I got to go.

Monday night, I went to Olivia {my best friend's} house, bringing 17th birthday gifts!


This ballon ^ made the lady at QFC get excited and ask "WHO HAD A BABY!?!?(:" to which I explained my best friends mom did....17 years ago. ;) She got a kick out of it and Olivia did too!
Side note: I painted her the painting in the background for her birthday 2 years? 3 years? ago!!
May I just take a slice of humble pie and say I'M A REALLY COOL BEST FRIEND!?

She wouldn't smile for me...

...but rather gave me sass...

....quite frankly I don't know what was going through her mind...

....But I got tired of trying to take a nice picture, and I started eating the ice cream I had just bought her (not pictured).

This was my attempt at NOT dressing in sweats and a sweatshirt to seminary... And NO I did not curl my hair at 5am... It's called, sleeping in a messy bun! Boo ya. 

Oh, did I mention my Valentine is the 12 year old down the street? ---No I didn't bribe him with a lollipop and a bouncy ball saying "you make my heart bounce" for him to be "mine".

I then proceeded to make Valentines Day as happy as it could be by making the house lovely, and not having the main focus be that you have to have a "boy toy" (as my sister says) spoil you.

2 of the 3 dozen flowers to Mom

The hearts I made 2 weeks ago by melting crayon shreds between wax paper and hanging on the chandelier, and in windows. Thank you Martha Stewart. 

Nathan busy at work making valentines for Mommy (his valentine).

German pancakes for breaky.

A Winnie the Pooh Valentines card from Mom... to rub into my sisters face who ADORES winnie the pooh...

My festive bedroom

Lexie's Valentine to me last year.

Valentines the boys will be receiving TOMORROW.

Oh yeah! Then I heard a knock on my door... And I was given THESE:

 Pretty GORGEOUS Aren't they!?
DEFINITELY made my WHOLE day wonderful! AND... It didn't take a boy to make it that way! A Sunday school teacher/a dear friend of mine since the time I was 7 years old took the time out of her day just to get me flowers! You have no idea what simple acts of kindness can mean to somebody. Love that lady! (:

*trying* to be artistic!

After 3 hours of painting at my art class, I got home to my 10 year old cousin who handed me this Valentine (:

Essentially, Valentines day, TODAY, has made me realize, it's not *alllll* about the mushy-gushy stuff that couples feel the need to pawn off to each other... But rather another day where people express in different and creative ways just how much they appreciate you; and boy do I feel appreciated!

The End.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Lately, I've felt like the whole "blogging world" is repetitive. Everybody has a blog now, and everybody posts things similar to what you have, or post what you were about to... So right now, I'm just going to post things that no one else will... Like what? Whatever is running through MY brain right now... Because no one can take MY thoughts away from me.

1. The Vow is not as cracked up to be what I made it out to be in my mind. And believe me, I was expecting a brilliant movie such as The Notebook. This movie was still really cute, and made me laugh and smile... But the ending wasn't quite what I was hoping for.

2. I really wish I had followed what I believe to be my "spiritual prompting" have bought that box of brownie mix hidden in an isle of the grocery store, WHEN I WAS THERE ONLY AN HOUR AGO. Here I am, friendless on the weekend, wishing I had an easy box of brownie mix to make. And then I see pictures like this:
Those two monsters are my sisters. Eating away their life at college. I wish I could be in that photo.

3. What do you think of when I give you 3 sounds and mix them together?...followed by car-alarms?:
Once you figure it out, please let me know, because it's in my backyard and i'm very frightened. 

4. You know you're bored, when, Facebook and Pinterest get boring.

5. I was really in the mood for some Keira Knightly and Matthew Macfadyen
in Pride and Prejudice, and have been craving to hear the music, and have been BEGGING mom to let me watch it during school hours ...Now that it's the weekend, I just don't feel it.

6. Sewing. I really want to make cute clothes. I really love dresses too. If I could wear dresses everyday, I would. This is the dress I'm making next! (Just need fabric!)

7. (See my friends blog post who posted basically everything that has been running through my mind this last week: Cooler On the Flipside) ...I agree completely. It's just like this movie:
The guy just WISHES he could go back and live in Paris in the 1920's. (GREAT movie! A must see.) In the end he realizes, that every single time period, will want to go back in time cause they'll think that THAT was the real golden age of time.... And that you really just have to be satisfied with the time you're stuck in, because in the future, some kid (like me) will wish they could come back to our present time. Well. Maybe. Anyway. I feel like I was born in the wrong era.

8. Fo. Reals. How could something so perfect turn so corrupt? 

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