Like I mentioned in my previous post, I have nothing to do in August.
So I decided to channel my nothingness into genuine pieces of art.
My mom encouraged my creativity ...But then laughed at the final project.
Without further adieu, my masterpieces:
{what all couples are thinking as they see me pass by on the street} |
{my imagination} |
{actual scenario i've been in} |
{actual scenario i've been in} |
{potential future scenario} |
This is where Olivia comes in... We both only have each other and our dogs... She drew the following:
{she drew me in this one...} |
Today, I would have thought I got it all out of my system and would have found some friends... BUT... these happened:
{incase you didn't catch on, i'm the one in the middle....on the penny farthing bicycle} |
So there you have it. I've chosen to go public with my work. ;)
P.S. Just saw this on Pinterest... I found it worthy for here:
Yes. So much success.