Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Think about it.

At seminary this morning, we were asked to think about something we were sincerely grateful for. We all gave obvious answers of: family, friends, rain, shine, etc, etc... And those are good, but I know I didn't put as much thought to that as I probably should have.

A couple years ago for Thanksgiving, I made a list before I hopped into bed of things I was grateful for. (Which consisted of 500+ bullet points.) Then I thanked Heavenly Father for each thing on that list. (It was a long prayer.)

I know i've been thankful for things around me, but I haven't really thought about it since that one experience. So after much pondering on just these few things, the answer to the question at seminary...

I'm grateful for:

I've thought about 16 things I'm truly grateful for this morning. Just 16. I know that doesn't seem like much... But, what if you didn't have just those 16 things? I bet it would feel like you're missing out on a lot. Think about it.

"I have found that, rather than dwelling on the negative, if we will take a step back and consider the blessings in our lives, including seemingly small, sometimes overlooked blessings, we can find greater happiness."

—Thomas S. Monson

Friday, November 16, 2012


that awkward moment when:
  • every single pair of jeans you own has a hole in the crotch and/or knees.
  • your 9 and 13 year old brothers have better love lives than you do.
  • you paint your nails, then need to pee, then the missionaries knock on the door and you're home alone with your pants on the ground praying that you're not a sinner for not answering the door for the missionaries.
  • you cry in a movie theater not because the movie is touching, but rather cause you know you're personally never going to end up with the attractive guy (*cough* *cough* BATMAN *cough* *cough* Christian Bale).
  • you're the last one of your friends to have: gotten your ears pierced, gone through puberty, been kissed, read the harry potter series & watch all the super hero movies (which makes you behind on ALL of the hype)....etc, etc.
  • not knowing whether to use soap or shampoo on your legs when gravity is taking it's toll and pulling all your leg hairs down ("no-shave-november").
  • when you're taller than most of the guys you know.

that AWESOME moment when:
  • you can stay awake ALL day without a nap on 3 hours of sleep, and you accomplish more than every other day of the week.
  • your best friend makes you chocolate chip pancakes at 3:30AM upon waking up.
  • you can jump on your bed at 12:30am with your earbuds in, listening to the best pump-up music in the world, while dancin' like a fool.
  • the portrait of captain america that you're painting is starting to look human.

That's a lot of {true} info crammed into a teeny-tiny space ...enjoy it. :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I just love showers. They give you so much time to think (or time to not think) ...they are truly the best. Except for in the fall/winter months... Cause it's cold when you step out.

It's also bad when you have to take a fast shower and don't have time to enjoy it, that's when the hot water steaming in the bathroom taunts me by singing baby it's cold outside! cause it knows I have to step out on that icy floor in just moments.

This happened to me today (hence, the story) BUT today was different. You see, my appointment got canceled, so it felt like such a waste to shower at all.  As I passed by my bathroom again, my shower was screaming BABY COME BACK! but now I have other things to do.  ):

Moral of the story? Well, there really isn't one. But someday when I design my own house, my bathroom will be a top priority and people will have some serious jealousy issues.

Monday, November 12, 2012

life is so demanding

i just need cookie dough right now.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Dear, Santa. Just kidding, I want twins.

Just try and tell me that this didn't make you happy:

That's it. I'm moving to the UK, and finding these twins.  

Yepp. They're babes. And this is what I do on my weekends.

Dear, Santa. I want a man.

It's fah-lippin' cold and frosty outside. Want to know a secret? A boy man to make me breakfast right now would be just great. Because this morning I'm clearly incapable of doing it myself. Bahh to heck with it, I just want a man to snuggle-up with. Lemme have this one people, cause I secretly know you want one too.
As if that weren't enough, I found out that 106.9FM is playing Christmas music online (cause waiting a few more days for it to start on the radio just won't do) ...Am I ridiculous or am I ridiculous? Don't answer that.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

a moment of appreciation

I'm grateful forrrrrrrrrr:

  1. that little boy who wouldn't stop waving at me from the back of the school bus when i was stuck behind them/running late to a ukulele lesson. :)
  2. homemade apple sauce
  3. despite my freezing fingers, it's finally feeling chilly outside ...SNUGGLE WEATHER!
  4. happy people at seminary despite tiredness 
  5. christmas music that will be starting on the radio in just a few days!!
  6. the knowledge that after november i will have razor blades to shave off ma nastayy leg hairs. {NO SHAVE NOVEMBER!!}
  7. old movies. (ils sont incroyables)
  8. Having enjoyable, great, understanding, happy, lovable, amazing, caring,  friends!
  9. no facebook this month.  
  10. this picture: {it just makes me so happy inside}

Sunday, November 4, 2012

happily content

My fingernails filled with the color orange as they peeled back those small clementines that are now coming into season. I did this several times, and ate those juicy fruits! I tossed the peels into the smallest pan we have, covered them with water, and threw open the spice drawer. There I found my good friends, Cinnamon! Cloves! and you can't forget about Nutmeg! I sprinkled those bad boys onto my orange peels and turned on the stove. Almost immediately the succulent smell was filling my home, and we all knew that November is here.

If you mix that smell with the smell of my rainy northwest, then you will do exactly what I did ...which was, find the one spot in the house where you could open a window and breathe in the rain in one nostril and the citrus in the other. Perfect.  

It's proving to be a lovely Autumn. Today I spied some lovely Christmas CD's on sale in the store (i know, already), smelled the sweet holiday candles that are returning to the shelves, and tasted of the peppermint milano cookies; I am surrounded by complete bliss. (Plus I got a CD of complied music by Dean, Nat, and Bing!) 

The next two months will soon be full of holidays, merry-spirits, lovesick boys and girls, yams, limited-time-only items, wonderful moments, busy schedules... But for now; I am happily content.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

happy halloween!

Today marks 12 years of me living in Gig Harbor. Through these years (on Halloween) Mom has passed out stickers, oranges, lollipops with crickets, MY CANDY (when all else has failed), honey, (and yes, there has been talk about doing chicken broth!) ...No wonder kids don't trick or treat here; I wouldn't even trick or treat here! :) Happy halloween you little sugar infested goobers.

Oh yes, and happy bestfrieniversary to Olivia. I don't know what I'm going to do without you next year. :(

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