Friday, March 22, 2013


Today I wrote my friend a note (bottom right) hinting to FINALLY watch a movie we keep talking about watching but never actually do, Can you figure out what movie it is based on that letter?
Then, I spent the majority of my morning at the dentist office getting a crown on two teeth. Ladies and gents, that is now 3 fake teeth caps in a row on my lower left jaw! I'll need dentures before you can say "Jack Robinson"! So Jim Channel (being the stud that he is) brought me flowers (upper right) because the pain has actually been killer today, and I haven't been able to eat anything too hot, too cold, or too solid. So now my diet consists of mashed potatoes and bananas. ...But flowers make everything better.
Once pain meds kicked in, I finished my work of art (left) of some cute little house in Spain.

How was your day today?

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