Somewhere in the library of Hannah is a small red notebook. If you've arrived at the Nicholas Sparks section, you've gone too far. This book lies somewhere between Pride and Prejudice and Harold and the Purple Crayon. Found it yet? Good! Our story starts here.
It was just like any other typical weekend for Hannah—planless. She was much too tired to go to sleep, and much too bored staying awake! She needed something to do. So she flipped to page 3 and found a recipe for "Boyfriend Brownies". She called them that only because she thinks these would be the quick, easiest, and tastiest to make if she happened to have her [imaginary] beau over.

People (myself included) often resort to gooey brownie mixes. So don't be alarmed when this homemade batter looks thicker than usual. I promise it will be delicious in the oven.
Hannah melted in the sounds of her favorite music, and dreamed of wearing that perfect dress she'd found to a ball. Soon enough, the beeping timer brought her back to reality, and since there's no sense in waiting for brownies to cool (does anyone actually do that?) she served them up with Tahitian vanilla gelato. Nothing fixes a craving like the way hot chocolate and cold vanilla in your mouth does.

People (myself included) often resort to gooey brownie mixes. So don't be alarmed when this homemade batter looks thicker than usual. I promise it will be delicious in the oven.
Hannah melted in the sounds of her favorite music, and dreamed of wearing that perfect dress she'd found to a ball. Soon enough, the beeping timer brought her back to reality, and since there's no sense in waiting for brownies to cool (does anyone actually do that?) she served them up with Tahitian vanilla gelato. Nothing fixes a craving like the way hot chocolate and cold vanilla in your mouth does.
And there we have it. Hannah once again slays boredom, and saves her weekend. Pheewww, that was a close one. The End.
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