07:50 - Breakfast
08:25 - Walked in the grey, damp, bitter-cold, to the bus stop.
08:50 - Class starts.
in:between - Nervous sweats
10:50 - Class ends, hallelujah chorus in my brain
12:00 - Sun!! Walked home.
12:30 - Home. Looked tired. Felt awake. Put on lipstick and mascara. Looked good. Felt tired. Can't nap now. Girl struggles.
12:57 - Grabbed a historical fiction novel. Walked to Invalides.
13:10 - Stopped on the sidewalk to call my friend. Man on motorcycle slows down. Man looks at me. Man says: "Bella! Ciao bella!" with an Italian accent. I look behind me. No one. Oh I'm Bella. Light turns green. He continues smiling at me. Friend didn't answer. Italian guy's head can swivel 360 like an owl while going through an intersection. I'm laughing now. He waves goodbye. Lipstick was a good choice. What just happened?
13:13 - Decided to go to Italy.
13:20 - Met my friend. Walked to Musée Rodin.
13:31 - Museum closed. Gardens opened. Got in for free. Word. Sat on my bench opposite of The Thinker. Thought about reading. Thought about eating. Did neither.
14:00 - Friend is hungry. Leave the garden, walk to favorite crêpe corner.
14:07 - Walked down a new street. Saw a yellow building that sold hand..fans. Suddenly wanted one.
14:08 - Inhaled the exhaled smoke every two feet from the local human chimneys.
14:20 - Exhausted. Checked mail. Postcard from Lara!! Gilmore Girls and 3 loads of laundry to do/hang/fold. But Luke and Lorelei are engaged!
16:20 - Walked/picked up Eloi from school. Passed mon petit amis bureau ...Dreamt of him the other night. Still don't know his name. Things are going well.
16:55 - Chores/Homework/Piano Practice/Playing/Showers
18:20 - Accidentally swore in French. I asked the 14 year old boy how to say "You smell bad" in French, he speaks, I repeat, all the boys laugh, I look up the words I just said, "You smell like ...poops!" I feel awful. I've never sworn before. Boys mock me the rest of the evening.
19:15 - Dîner. Crêpes Salée! I made savory crêpes with cheese, ham, eggs, tomatoes, and french spices.
20:00 - Hakuna Matata en français sing-along while cleaning dishes.
20:30 - Lights OUT. I check up on the social media life.
21:00 - Write about a day in the life of Hannah.
21:30 - Go up to my studio for the night.
this was so interesting to read! i love the timeline format.