Monday, January 9, 2012

Kissing=Ice Cream

When my mom was in college, she and her roommates had this deal that anytime they kissed a new boy, they had to come home with a carton of ice cream for the roommates. . . So if they opened their freezer and found ice cream, they'd always know.

My best friend and I, decided to carry on that tradition. 

So far I have given: HA... Jaykay. Boys don't kiss me. I don't kiss boys either though so... It's cool :) I'm satisfied with eating ice cream.

On Friday I received the last 3 ice-creams mentioned above. 

Today was fast Sunday... And after 3 long {but very wonderful} hours of church in my 4 1/4'' black heels {that I strapped on for the first time in AT LEAST a year} to which my feet ACHED! Making me 6'2'' and very intimidating to all those boys... I came home, broke my fast at 5pm when I saw in my freezer that gelato...staring me straight in the face! So, I indulged. 

Thanks Olivia for kissing boys.


  1. I LOVE this! mostly because you guys share with me <3

  2. dude,I love it. we should have cute traditions like this as well ;)

  3. You totally have the better end in the ice cream relationship. Screw kissing, stick with ice cream!

    But seriously, ice cream is good, but kissing is better. Except if the guy is bad, because then ice cream is ALWAYS better.

  4. you're very welcome for the icecream(:

  5. Oh my goodness, I love that tradition! <3 :) Ice cream > Kissing. :P hahaha

  6. No way!! This is a tradition that my family has always done also! :) We must be sisters at heart or something! ;)


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