Friday, January 13, 2012


Once upon a time, I was given a mission by a certain friend of mine...

This friend happens to secretly admire a neighbor I have 

...But I've never before met.

The mission was to stalk him a little bit... 

No, not Facebook stalk... 

But like, as he walked home I was supposed to confirm or deny this random kids attractiveness ...or something along those lines that probs make more sense when this individual explained my mission... 


This person gets off the bus at 2:05pm...So I was told. Just to be safe, I went out at 1:50pm... Chilled with my brothers... And then they got in on it too. 

One of my brothers found me embarrassing yet hilarious and documented my hideouts. 

The other one hid in a tree with his own binoculars to tell me when the bus came... 

You can see for yourself how the next 45 minutes of my life (OUT IN THE COLD) came, and then went, with no sign of this kid. 

^Still excited, and ready to be uber creepy...^

^Starting to feel like a better hide out was in order...So I tried the tree, but that was lame... And the bush, well, I could have sworn it was bigger than how it is pictured to the upper right picture^

^Not to worry! I found a bigger bush to hide behind.... But decided that from his view it might look like I was peeing behind the bush^

^In this one, I just really didn't appreciate how the whole world turned sideways^

^...Or upside-down really...^


^The old stump made me a little bit conspicuous... And a little bit off balance^

^Then faces like this just tend to happen after chillin' 30 minutes with frozen fingers...^

^5 minutes after I shot this photo, I went back home and completely aborted the mission. Is this dude even real? Because I'm never being that stalkerish again.... Even though I technically didn't stalk anything... Just took ridiculous photos....^

I bet....He was sick today, and didn't go to school. What a jerk. He could have at least informed me.

There goes 45 minutes of my life I'll never get back.... 




  2. Oh, my gosh. You kill me. I can't stop laughing.

  3. Oh my goodness Hannah. Could you be any more amazing? haha I love you do death girly. :D


  4. This is officially the funniest thing ever! You make me so happy!

  5. Ohhhh you :) thanks for making my day ;)

  6. I love you m'dear. You are too funny!

  7. Hilarious! Your photographer was VERY good. Your tech-y tweek the photos person was a master!
    The prose, perfectly Hannah!


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