Thursday, February 16, 2012

"blue skies fade to grey"

Yesterday, was all together a bad day. I didn't even write in my journal yesterday cause I just didn't want to make yet another stress filled entry/I didn't want to remember yesterday.

So I was saying my prayers last night...
tossing and turning...
too tired to stay awake...
but listening to my brain that wouldn't shut up for me to be able to fall asleep...
Praying for me to actually get something out of seminary...
...I had nightmares about dreading seminary coming so soon. About staying longer than needed, and not being allowed to leave.

I woke up throughout the night feeling restless, so that by the time my alarm went off, I seriously considered for the first time to skip seminary. I turned off my alarm (rather than hitting the snooze) and fell asleep again instantly.

Why would I need to go to seminary anyway?!

  • To listen over my fellow seminary-goers voices TRYING to listen to our teacher who wouldn't be getting the respect he deserves?
  • To be distracted as my friends pulled out their homework, cell phones and writing notes back and forth?

I've been guilty of some of that stuff before... But I'm just getting tired of it all.

5 minutes after I fell asleep, I woke up with the thought that I wasn't doing the right thing.
I sleepily got out of bed, moseyed to the bathroom, did the essentials, pulled on sweats, considered bringing hot cocoa, decided against it, forgot to brush my crazy bed head, and walked out the door, as my mom assured me that I looked like "walking death" ...Then... I entered my seminary room.

To my surprise, I found COUCHES in my classroom. And a substitute teacher with a book in hand. I grabbed the softest couch thinking this was all too good to be true, as she spoke the best words I've ever heard at 6am in the church building "I'm going to read a story, now my one rule is that if you don't like my story you can doze off and sleep, but no talking until I'm done"

It was a good story about her mission. We were done 15 minutes early, cleaned up the room, and she had hot chocolate for us in the kitchen and we all just mingled for the remaining time.

Best seminary class ever.
But I realized, that everything I had asked/told Heavenly Father in my prayer last night; he just had it covered! (Like usual.) Things I had asked had been answered through words our sub had said.

SO! Pray. Pray hard. Listen. Be obedient. Trust. And rely on the Lord. And everything will be okay.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know why, but that kind of brought a tear to my eye. You're so right, Hannah. He just somehow has it all covered, huh? Thanks for sharing. :)


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