Wednesday, February 15, 2012

That thing called "love"

Okay. I've said it before. I'm not a huge fan of Valentines day. 
...But today was pretty...hmm.... Okay. (:
Let's rewind to this past weekend.

On Saturday, during church basketball... My (right) foot thought it'd be a good idea to roll and make a loud cracky noise mid run... Later that night, this is how swollen it looked...No beuno:
Yeah, it felt like an Easter egg was under my skin.

On Sunday I went to Stake Conference... Which was 2 hours long. Then at 5pm I headed to Tacoma for a 2 hour long mass at my best friends church, prepared to support her as she received the Holy Spirit. It was cool seeing (again) how the Catholic church worships, and I'm glad I got to go.

Monday night, I went to Olivia {my best friend's} house, bringing 17th birthday gifts!


This ballon ^ made the lady at QFC get excited and ask "WHO HAD A BABY!?!?(:" to which I explained my best friends mom did....17 years ago. ;) She got a kick out of it and Olivia did too!
Side note: I painted her the painting in the background for her birthday 2 years? 3 years? ago!!
May I just take a slice of humble pie and say I'M A REALLY COOL BEST FRIEND!?

She wouldn't smile for me...

...but rather gave me sass...

....quite frankly I don't know what was going through her mind...

....But I got tired of trying to take a nice picture, and I started eating the ice cream I had just bought her (not pictured).

This was my attempt at NOT dressing in sweats and a sweatshirt to seminary... And NO I did not curl my hair at 5am... It's called, sleeping in a messy bun! Boo ya. 

Oh, did I mention my Valentine is the 12 year old down the street? ---No I didn't bribe him with a lollipop and a bouncy ball saying "you make my heart bounce" for him to be "mine".

I then proceeded to make Valentines Day as happy as it could be by making the house lovely, and not having the main focus be that you have to have a "boy toy" (as my sister says) spoil you.

2 of the 3 dozen flowers to Mom

The hearts I made 2 weeks ago by melting crayon shreds between wax paper and hanging on the chandelier, and in windows. Thank you Martha Stewart. 

Nathan busy at work making valentines for Mommy (his valentine).

German pancakes for breaky.

A Winnie the Pooh Valentines card from Mom... to rub into my sisters face who ADORES winnie the pooh...

My festive bedroom

Lexie's Valentine to me last year.

Valentines the boys will be receiving TOMORROW.

Oh yeah! Then I heard a knock on my door... And I was given THESE:

 Pretty GORGEOUS Aren't they!?
DEFINITELY made my WHOLE day wonderful! AND... It didn't take a boy to make it that way! A Sunday school teacher/a dear friend of mine since the time I was 7 years old took the time out of her day just to get me flowers! You have no idea what simple acts of kindness can mean to somebody. Love that lady! (:

*trying* to be artistic!

After 3 hours of painting at my art class, I got home to my 10 year old cousin who handed me this Valentine (:

Essentially, Valentines day, TODAY, has made me realize, it's not *alllll* about the mushy-gushy stuff that couples feel the need to pawn off to each other... But rather another day where people express in different and creative ways just how much they appreciate you; and boy do I feel appreciated!

The End.

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