Monday, November 14, 2011

Old Fogey

I like this picture because more often that not, people can see old people as boring, old fashioned, slow, boring, quiet, etc. etc. but forget that once upon a time they were a dreamer just like you and me! "Don't judge a book by it's cover." 

Really though, I love old couples. When the husband does little things like holding her arm and helping her, or when he's just in general sweet on her because they're eternal sweethearts. All of their friends may have died but the only important people to them are each other! Gordon B. Hinckley and his dear wife Marjorie were a perfect example of this.

Ah-ha! Another perfect example! The Notebook! What a good movie. In this movie, Noah's wife, Allie, gets Alzheimer's but he re-reads over and over again the book they wrote about their love story until she remembers him even though her memory of it generally lasts only 5 minutes. 

Really though, this will be me in a nut shell. I don't want to get old just because it means that time slipped through my fingers... But if I get to have it as good as this picture, then I will be happy!

1 comment:

  1. WHAT is the world coming to?!? Like seriously, I have a folder on my flash drive with pictures of old people love for my blog and boom, you sweep my idea away! But Hannah, I love it an way :)


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