Friday, December 9, 2011

just don't frown

"it's gonna be a great day! 
It's gonna be a great day!

4 1/2 hours of sleep. Lectured in seminary for being quiet!! Struggled to stay awake while reading 56 pages in my history book. Had no ride to basketball practice... So I ran. In the cold. While having a cold. In shoes that made my two big toes turn black (bruised). Jammed 2 fingers for the first time at b-ball. Got back home, no one was home. Walked to the neighbors where Jim bandaged my fingers to a popsicle stick and adhesive tape. Then he made me macaroni and cheese with ketchup on top because "It just makes you feel better!" I get home again, realize I smell, so I shower with my left arm sticking out of the shower for 20 minutes IN A COLD SHOWER, and I would have been out sooner, but it's really hard without your other hand cause my bandage couldn't get wet. I can't type very fast now, so no more writing my essay tonight.
    And in spite of all the what-others-would-consider-bad-things, today, was just a really good day! SO, when life gets you down... just don't frown. If you frown you won't see any of the weird positive ups!

    I was able to get through the day without taking a nap! I accomplished more school than usual! I stuck to a schedule today. I was able to stretch my legs and go on a run for the first time in nearly a month. I got to see some of my wonderful friends. I got complimented on my form. Jim made me mac n' cheese!!!! Yum. My legs have that good sore feeling. Mom made yummy dinner. Mom was proud of my effort today and she rented me the movie One Day on itunes. So. I'm going to watch that now :) What an unusually wonderful day!


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