Monday, December 5, 2011


That's a heavy word.
Especially for my age.
Fun fact:
2 weeks ago -on my first date- I was told by my date that he would never marry me because of my fine/thin/call-it-what-you-will....HAIR. Cause he wasn't "able to braid it".... So that was weird.
I was told after church by a guy friend of mine, that there was no way he and I could get married because I have the same name as his sister, so if we got married, then I'd have his sisters current name... "And that would just be weird" to him.
2 VERY RANDOM marriage declines...declines? --it can't be declines, i'd have to have been asked--or be the ask-ee. WHATEVER. I was told TWICE by two guys that they wouldn't marry me for those 2 completely stupid reason!
Then in young women's, we were talking about vocations, and what we want to be when we grow up in case we don't get married. (Key words.) Me and my bestie were making up silly jobs in case we don't get married.
...And I GUESS I'm treading down the un-married road ALREADY at the tender age of 16, so uh...
I guess I could get used to being an unmarried woman with a freakish dog obsession/be a dog walker roaming the streets of NYC. *Sighhh*
Life's short anyway right?
Last post I'm talking about BABIES and now i'm talking about living a lonely life!!! *thumps head against desk* ...MEN.


  1. girl, you'll probably be the first one married in our family. don't you worry.

  2. You are on the right road to being a woman...blame it on the guy, it IS his fault!
    But don't worry, there are real MEN out there, you just have to look real hard. Men are different than guys. guys are schmucks, Men can be awesome!

    You crack me up!


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