Thursday, November 8, 2012

a moment of appreciation

I'm grateful forrrrrrrrrr:

  1. that little boy who wouldn't stop waving at me from the back of the school bus when i was stuck behind them/running late to a ukulele lesson. :)
  2. homemade apple sauce
  3. despite my freezing fingers, it's finally feeling chilly outside ...SNUGGLE WEATHER!
  4. happy people at seminary despite tiredness 
  5. christmas music that will be starting on the radio in just a few days!!
  6. the knowledge that after november i will have razor blades to shave off ma nastayy leg hairs. {NO SHAVE NOVEMBER!!}
  7. old movies. (ils sont incroyables)
  8. Having enjoyable, great, understanding, happy, lovable, amazing, caring,  friends!
  9. no facebook this month.  
  10. this picture: {it just makes me so happy inside}

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