Friday, November 16, 2012


that awkward moment when:
  • every single pair of jeans you own has a hole in the crotch and/or knees.
  • your 9 and 13 year old brothers have better love lives than you do.
  • you paint your nails, then need to pee, then the missionaries knock on the door and you're home alone with your pants on the ground praying that you're not a sinner for not answering the door for the missionaries.
  • you cry in a movie theater not because the movie is touching, but rather cause you know you're personally never going to end up with the attractive guy (*cough* *cough* BATMAN *cough* *cough* Christian Bale).
  • you're the last one of your friends to have: gotten your ears pierced, gone through puberty, been kissed, read the harry potter series & watch all the super hero movies (which makes you behind on ALL of the hype)....etc, etc.
  • not knowing whether to use soap or shampoo on your legs when gravity is taking it's toll and pulling all your leg hairs down ("no-shave-november").
  • when you're taller than most of the guys you know.

that AWESOME moment when:
  • you can stay awake ALL day without a nap on 3 hours of sleep, and you accomplish more than every other day of the week.
  • your best friend makes you chocolate chip pancakes at 3:30AM upon waking up.
  • you can jump on your bed at 12:30am with your earbuds in, listening to the best pump-up music in the world, while dancin' like a fool.
  • the portrait of captain america that you're painting is starting to look human.

That's a lot of {true} info crammed into a teeny-tiny space ...enjoy it. :)

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