Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A smile is like tight underwear…It makes your cheeks go up.

Day 2 in Park City was filled with FAMILY.

I saw my wonderful grandpa and my grandma Lois... I saw my auntie and uncle and their offspring from Texas, and we all went out to lunch together where I had some rather uncooked doughy/floury pizza... But the sweet potato fries made up for it! Then we came back to the house and visited and laughed together just like we always have done before. There were snow ball fights outside, games played, funny videos watched, and then just like that they were gone. I love my distant family and hope to never lose contact with them like so many other people have done.

My calves are starting to KILL me. This whole vacation thing has turned more into a "Hey kids! You're out of shape! I'm going to fill your stomach with sugary foods and then make you climb 250+steps repeatedly!" BECAUSE THERE ARE SERIOUSLY STEPS EVERYWHERE. If I need to go to the bathroom I have to plan going 2 minutes sooner than last minute because otherwise I won't make it to the 7th floor without peeing my pants. Not only that, but my heart rate is GOIN' by the time I'm up there! 

We all were tired and ready for a nap, but instead of doing that, we kept going, and I'm glad we did! Outdoor ice-skating was closed, but the gorgeous man who was working there said that we could sneak out onto the bunny hill (which is actually a slant, not a hill) and that we could pick up speed if we had garbage bags! ...We had none though... So he told us he'd give us some if he didn't rat us out. There is just something about beautiful men. Especially in Utah because there's a good chance they're LDS. (: So we get to the hill. And the groomer was out looking like it was about to eat us. It left. We snuck onto the hill. We tried. We failed. We laughed. We got cold. It was one of those memories that you'll have a hard time forgetting. 

After that we raided Starbucks and bought all of their non-caffeinated/coffee/etc. drinks!  Now back at the house, the fire is on, Michael Buble's new Christmas cd plays, we have some jacuzzi-goers, footie-pajama wearers, and about to watch the movie Elf with my siblings. 

So that's it. Today was wonderful. It felt like Christmas. I want to spend all of my grown up Christmas years in a cute town like this... Or just somewhere with snow! Poor Hawaii. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm soooo excited for you to be down there! I know how happy Lara is to be with everyone this week :) Glad YOU are keeping us all updated at least! Love you darling!


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